The first think we will talk about is how to choose the right cover for where you live or where you will be storing your car or vehicle. The choice of cover is affected by a couple things like what part of the country you live in because the weather plays a part in this. If you are in the Northeast, the Northern Midwest or Northwest part of USA then you will need a cover that can stand up to everything mother nature can throw at it. The car cover industry makes a cover just for this climate, they are waterproof and have three to four layers to help stay on your vehicle better when the weather gets wild. These covers have tie down grommets that you can use a cable lock or bungee cord to help keep your cover from theft and wind. If you live in the Southeast, Midwest or Southwest you will have a couple different types of covers to choose from. In the Southeast the weather climate can be very wet or dry with lots of sun. There are covers for both of these conditions. The White Tyvek cover is great for the sun and also can keep the rain out. The three layer waterproof cover will work well in the wetter Southern states.
The next factor to look at is where you will be parking the car or vehicle, in the garage, in the driveway, under a carport, on the street. If you are parking or storing your car or vehicle in the garage the light weight dust covers will work for this. If you are parking you car under a carport you can use the light weight covers but I would suggest the Tyvek or waterproof covers for this because the vehicle will be exposed to the outside weather. The rain and wind will play a part in this protection. Now having your car parked outside in the driveway or on the street you will need a cover that will protect you from all the weather conditions. The waterproof covers for the wet climates or the Tyvek for the dry and high sun exposure.
The next factor is where the covers come from and the brands of the covers they make. There are more then a few countries that make covers, I went online to see how many makers there are and this is a list of what I found: USA, Canada, Taiwan, China and I'm sure there are more. I would like to comment about Brands so I will say this the covers that are made in the USA tend to have better warranties and the covers that are made outside of USA have other things to offer like free cable locks, storage bags and good warranties but just not as good USA.
Now comes the subject of ordering the cover from the right company and making sure you get what you have ordered. The first thing is to make sure you check out the company you want to order from, like what are there shipping policies do they have a return policy that you will be OK with. Is there any complaints online about them. Do they have any testimonials that back up there policies. Then make sure you use a credit card, in doing this you will be protect from any unsatisfactory transactions. PayPal also will protect your transactions for up to 30 days. In doing this you will get the cover you need and have a very pleasant experience buying your car or vehicle cover.
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